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Allies for the

We exist to fuel indigenous-led work among the world’s hardest-to-reach places and people groups.

Vision: To worship with every ethne.


Supporting indigenous-led work in the hardest-to-reach places and people groups


Advocating for the unreached without compromising the underground church


Securely resourcing and safeguarding Frontline Strategic Partners

Why Indigenous Led

BLACKBOX prioritizes supporting the underground church and believers already working in the most difficult environments for the Gospel. Indigenous workers already know the language and culture, have common ground in the community, are less likely to be kicked out of the country, and can more easily overcome barriers of understanding to know how the Gospel speaks good news in their particular context.

Why Indigenous Led

Why the unreached

Today, there are over 3.2 billion people, or over 7,400 people groups, that are unreached. Lostness is the reality but not having access to the Gospel is the travesty. Despite this travesty, less than 1% of resources and less than 3% of missionaries go to the unreached. This results in the gospel poor remaining poor while the gospel rich get richer. In light of this, BLACKBOX focuses specifically on the hardest to reach places and people groups as identified on the Stratus Index and within the 10/40 Window where the most urgent physical and spiritual needs exist.

Why the unreached

Why Blackbox

Our sole motivation is to witness God glorified in every tongue, tribe, nation, and people (Revelation 7:9). Embedded indigenous workers are operating in the most difficult places to make disciples and plant churches, preaching the Gospel in the shadow of immense persecution with strict security concerns. We take every precaution to protect our workers and projects. BLACKBOX speaks to the need to redact certain elements of our mission as we partner, promote, and protect our indigenous work among the hardest to reach places and people groups. What drives passion for unreached people groups is God’s glory, not guilt.

Why Blackbox


BLACKBOX strategically partners, promotes, and protects indigenous-led work in the world’s hardest to reach places and people groups. Our Frontline Strategic Partners (FSPs) are embedded Christ-followers laboring to meet urgent physical needs, make disciples, and plant biblical churches in the following countries.

Shaded countries are 'pending'. We have partners identified and as resources are available, BLACKBOX will initiate commitments.

Tap a country for more info...


BLACKBOX strategically partners with trusted indigenous believers faithfully laboring on the frontlines of the hardest to reach places and people groups. Through a mutual passion of seeing the Gospel proclaimed in all of the earth, BLACKBOX invests in biblical, holistic, and effective initiatives implemented by our Frontline Strategic Partners (FSPs). As we meet urgent physical and spiritual needs of the unreached, our alliance aims to advance the Gospel so the King is glorified in every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Learn More

Church Planting

Creative Access Platforms


Evangelism Resources

Humanitarian Projects

Leadership Training


Scripture Translation


God is moving in mighty ways throughout the world as He is drawing people from every tongue, tribe, nation, and people group. Through faithful, resilient, and obedient brothers and sisters serving on the frontlines of the hardest to reach places and people groups, the Kingdom is advancing.

Statistics reported above began October 2021. Last updated July 2024.


Total Served


Gospel Opportunities


Decisions for Christ


Church/House Fellowships Started




Christ-Followers being discipled


Unreached People Groups being engaged by FSPs

Coalition of the faithful

A resilient coalition of faithful, prayerful, and committed monthly donors resolved to supporting and advancing Gospel-work in the hardest to reach places and people groups.

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