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The black box speaks to the need to redact certain elements of our work. Our workers live in the shadow of immense persecution with strict security concerns. We take every precaution to protect our workers and projects. You’ll see a “black box” covering the face of our workers on our website and social media platforms. We do this in an effort to protect their identity and keep their work and families safe. It also serves as the name for our indigenous work among the hardest-to-reach places and people groups

BLACKBOX intentionally focuses on work among the hardest-to-reach places and people groups, namely, those that have been identified on platforms such as Stratus and Joshua Project as having the highest numbers of unreached people groups, where Christians are a persecuted minority, and where it’s difficult or impossible to get foreign missionaries into the country. We are data-driven and Spirit-led as we seek partnerships with indigenous Christians in these hardest-to-reach places and people groups. Lord-willing, we will be working in more than just these initial 8 countries, focusing exclusively on the top 50 persecuted countries according to Open Doors World Watch List and top 50 Stratus Index countries.

At this time our focus at BLACKBOX is solely on equipping and resourcing frontline indigenous workers.

BLACKBOX is a non-denominational organization.

Contact us at [email protected]


BLACKBOX has many ways to give to help fuel and propel indigenous work. Please visit our DONATE page to find out ways you can partner.

General donations will be used for the most urgent needs across our Frontline Strategic Partners and countries. However, donors can give to specific special projects in-country. Please visit our SPECIAL PROJECTS page to learn more.

Yes, all US donations to BLACKBOX are tax deductible.

Frontline Strategic Partners

BLACKBOX recognizes and values the need for foreign workers to go to places where the gospel does not exist (Romans 15:20), but we also recognize that God is already on the move in certain unreached people groups through indigenous believers. Our aim and focus at BLACKBOX is to come alongside these local brothers and sisters to partner, promote, and protect the gospel-work they are already doing on the frontlines. We value the unique opportunity indigenous believers are afforded as they work among the unreached in their cultural context.

The reality is that developing a relationship with Frontline Strategic Partners is not easy as there are very few indigenous believers in these people groups, and the ones that are there have to keep their work secretive and underground due to persecution. However, through God’s grace, connections have been built with these individuals on the frontlines through numerous means. This has included relationships built from our leadership serving on the frontlines of unreached people groups, collaboration with other like-minded organizations working among the hardest-to-reach places and people groups, as well as networking with others in the underground church.

Due to security concerns and not wanting to jeopardize the work of our Frontline Strategic Partners, we do not directly connect them to our donor community.

All our Frontline Strategic Partners go through a extensive vetting process to be supported by BLACKBOX. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

BLACKBOX trains and equips our Frontline Strategic Partners through various gospel-centered organizations, missions societies, and resources. In addition, some of our partners will come to our training facility located in a central location among the unreached.

Because the work we support is in countries that are hostile to Christianity, we do not offer short-term exposure trips as the attention this would draw could endanger our partners on the ground.