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Our Work

As allies for the underground, BLACKBOX exists to Partner, Promote, and Protect.

Vision: To worship with every ethne.



Our primary purpose is to come alongside indigenous Christians laboring among the unreached and unengaged. The work is grueling and difficult, oftentimes due to realities like persecution and geographical isolation. Our desire is to support our brothers and sisters on the frontlines first and foremost with prayer. Prayer is our “wartime walkie-talkie,” without prayer the work cannot move forward. We are desperate for God’s Spirit to work powerfully and we completely depend upon Him. The greatest thing we can do for workers on the frontlines is to support them in prayer.



It is often difficult or even impossible for indigenous believers to raise resources or awareness for their work. Our desire at BLACKBOX is to partner with frontline workers by providing them with the financial resources necessary to continue their work and help share the stories of their work with the global Church.



Our desire is to equip and empower our brothers and sisters with the tools they need to carry out their part in God’s mission. Through partnering and networking with other organizations, we aim to provide training resources and classes to empower indigenous Christians for longevity of ministry, working within their cultural context for strategic and tactical Gospel communication.




The Church in the reached world is largely unaware of the work still to be done on the front lines. Our desire is to awaken the Church to the realities of the lost world, the mission that still needs to be done, and the biblical basis for why we do what we do. Through events, our website, social media, newsletters and more, our heartbeat is to raise a cry that the Great Commission has not been completed and that there is still work to be done.



We advocate for the work being done on the frontlines of the world’s hardest to reach places and people groups. As we come alongside and partner with indigenous Christians on the frontlines, our desire is to connect more people with the work being done, inviting them into the coalition of The Underground.



As we raise awareness, promoting and advocating for the work of brothers and sisters on the ground, our desire is to mobilize the Church to action through prayer, partnerships, funds, and sending more laborers into the great harvest.



The Work

There is great intentionality behind what we do and do not share. The black box over our logo and over the faces of people in images speaks to the need to redact certain elements of our work. Our workers live in the face of intense opposition so we take every precaution to protect those serving among the hardest to reach places and people groups.

The Work

The Frontlines

Work amongst the unreached and unengaged is in places of extreme persecution where incredible political, spiritual, developmental, social, and economic barriers undermine and hinder Gospel-work. Due to these barriers and the sensitivity of the work where Christ is not yet known, we protect the frontlines for the purposes of Kingdom advancement.

The Frontlines

The Underground

Indigenous believers on the ground face the threat of excommunication, imprisonment, torture, and even death for the Gospel. The underground church is covert, operating in secrecy, hidden in order to remain working. We fortify the underground church as it strives to make Jesus famous among the nations while besieged by multiple obstacles.

The Underground


BLACKBOX invests in biblical, holistic, and effective initiatives implemented by our Frontline Strategic Partners (FSPs) for the purpose of advancing the Gospel in every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Church Planting

Starting a new local body of believers that is self-sustaining, self-governing, and self-replicating


Walking alongside Christians at every stage in their faith journey in the process of growing to know, enjoy, and follow God more deeply by the power of the indwelling Spirit in a believer’s life

Leadership Training

Equipping and empowering indigenous believers to use their positions of influence for Gospel-work

Evangelism Resources

Producing and utilizing various literature material and media that assists in spreading the Gospel and reaching people in their heart language

Humanitarian Projects

Addressing injustices and meeting the urgent physical needs of a people group (e.g. clean water, food, healthcare, education, rescue from trafficking, etc.)

Creative Access Platforms

Employing ingenuity to gain access and send resources into hard to reach countries and people groups (e.g. business as mission)

Scripture Translation

Translating the Bible into the heart language of the people group we are seeking to share the Gospel with


Raising up and sending indigenous believers to go into other unreached people groups to share the Gospel and plant churches